About - Kids Climbing Books
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About the Author, Illustrator, and the book: Climb On, Yosemite!

You don’t need to be a rock climber to enjoy this book, but you’ll still appreciate it if you do! 

The story engages readers in our planet’s amazing outdoor world in terms kids can understand and enjoy.  Along the way, the book introduces role models for aspiring young climbers!

Climb On, Yosemite! is a children’s story about a family of five as they go on a great rock climbing adventure in Yosemite National Park!

Along the way, readers learn important information about rock climbing, environmental stewardship, fun facts about Yosemite, and overcoming life’s obstacles.

Written and illustrated to inspire people of all ages to get out, “climb on”, and protect our beautiful landscapes all over the world.

The book introduces readers to some common rock climbing equipment, terms, and techniques for indoor rock climbing.

But perhaps more importantly the story leads children through some common fears and excitement that can go along with trying a new sport!

This children’s book is written by father and outdoor adventurer, Dan Delisle, and illustrated by the talented Portuguese artist and sculptor, Hugo Travanca.

Based on countless hours of Dan’s sketches and fantastic digital artwork by Hugo, these stories are coming to life, with the sole mission to INSPIRE kids, parents, and adventurers to follow their dreams and GET OUT THERE to the gym or the great outdoors and climb!

Please help us get this book in the hands of children, parents, adventurers, and climbers everywhere.

We need your support to make this book come to life and inspire girls and boys!

Rock climbing teaches self-discipline, builds self-confidence, increases mental focus, problem solving abilities, and physical strength.

Self-discipline, mental focus, and believing in your abilities are the inherent traits we want our kids to acquire and be familiar with as they grow up – climbing is a fantastic way to introduce the basics of these concepts because successful climbing requires these things to succeed!

Additionally, rock climbing is safe and a lot of fun!  

This book was written to help encourage kids to try rock climbing!

There’s no such thing as “texting and climbing” – because climbers are focused on either checking their knots and safety, or figuring out how to get to the next hand and foot hold.

Climbers must also always be aware of their surroundings and climbing partners at all times.

Trusting hands, feet, body, climbing gear, and a climbing partner carries valuable lessons in developing personal faith and confidence, as well as learning how to place trust in others.

Whether it’s climbing rocks, trees, playground equipment, or furniture, children have a natural ability and desire to climb!

Before beginning any climb, climbing partners check each other’s gear and knots to review gear safety.

Using specific technical language found only in the climbing community lexicon and a defined communication process to ensure safety and preparedness.

This is fantastic communication practice for kids! 

The story incorporates introductions to climbing lingo so when kids go climb outdoors they have some basic understanding of what’s being said, why it’s important, and how to respond.

For instance, at the start of a climb, the following allows for clear communication between climber and belayer. Before climbing: 

  • Climber to belayer: “On Belay?” 
  • Belayer: “Belay On.”
  • Climber to belayer: “Ready to Climb.”
  • Belayer: “Climb On!”

When the climber returns to the ground or is safely anchored at a belay station:

  • Climber: “Belay Off.”
  • Belayer: “Off Belay.”

A lot of climbing is difficult – it requires problem solving, falling, failing, being humbled, and learning to try again.

The mental and physical toughness rock climbing cultivates is fascinating, especially when set in the arena of Mother Nature, where a healthy respect of self and the environment are extremely important.

Learning to persevere in the face of failure is a life-lesson that will pay for itself over and over again for our young ones. 

It cannot be underestimated how critical it is for character development that kids fall down (on their ropes, of course!) and learn to get back up and try again! 

The majority of the rock climbing the general public sees is some the most extreme climbing in the world – even climbers climbing without ropes and gear – which is totally, utterly wild!

However, the type of climbing you and your kids will be doing typically has very little risk and normally performed in a highly controlled environment, indoors and outdoors.

Bicycling, skiing/snowboarding, as well as “common” team sports can actually be much more dangerous than rock climbing, and rock climbing statistically has way less injuries.

Unlike those other sports, with multiple variables, it’s extremely easy to make rock climbing SAFE and FUN.

Those are words straight from the source, Dan’s children after rock climbing some small crags in Yosemite National Park!

Whether it’s outdoors or in the gym – kids absolutely LOVE this activity.  

Today’s rock climbing industry has made this activity extremely accessible to us so we can learn to love it and have fun!  

Climbing seems to be one of the most natural things in the world for kids, whether it’s trees, rocks, or furniture…and even gives adults a child-like feeling when you’re climbing up and up and UP!  

Visit any outdoor climbing area or rock climbing gym and you will see for yourself!

About The Author

Dan, a successful Kickstarter Creator of Pushxpro (now PushX3), is also a husband, father, professional civil engineer, technical author, sports enthusiast, and fitness devotee.

Dan worked several years doing backcountry stone masonry, bridge building, and construction in Yosemite and Yellowstone National Park, and has several high-profile rock climbs under his belt.

Now, after having kids, Dan and his wife, Sarah, love bringing them to the indoor climbing gym climb!

About The Illustrator

Hugo Travanca is a sculptor and illustrator originally from Sintra, Portugal.

From a very early age, Hugo has been a passionate creator of art. Throughout his academic career, he specialized in using many different kinds of materials for his works, and prides himself on delving ever-deeper into the world of Art.

Hugo’s now works mostly with reusable and recycled materials for his sculptures, and paints with oil pastels and acrylics on cardboard because of its unique plasticity and beautiful results.

When not sculpting or painting, Hugo is busy mastering his technique with digital illustrations!

We made the hard choice to launch this book on by an independent publisher because it’s one of the best ways for us to get this story into your hands and young explorer’s dreams! 

This project won’t happen without the initial boost of funding for the first round of orders through the publisher and we’re really counting on YOU.

Hopefully this book will inspire you and all the young people in your life to get out there and start climbing!

Thank you!
Dan Delisle